Version 11.010.00 released

  • A moderate memory leak during the export operation was found in the previous version. This release corrects the issue.
  • Fixed an issue with imported STEP files. After the scene is reopened selection of Accessory tool crashed the app. Had to do with how we store imported object data.
  • Fixed C-track hole machining error
  • Panel fastening reported too many t-nuts in the BOM, corrected
  • Properties window handle large system fonts better
  • Corrected movement of primitives, type-in move is added
  • Conveyor verification improved to not allow conveyors to by wider than their length
  • Lingering VB machining after connection change. VB machining is now recalculated in real time
  • Improved maximum panel size verification for slot panels
  • Changes to user profile default to retaining existing data
  • Changed screw lengths for 1.62.210 handles
  • USD machining charges updated
  • Removed 1.10.040040.83LP, 1.11.030060.65S,1.11.030060.65SP, 1.11.030100.74SP, 1.11.040RXX.20L
  • Changed fastener grouping in "Assembly" popup window
  • Corrected 1.11.040R90 profile model, was missing interior detail
  • Fixed placement of cross-bushing covers for 20 mm profiles
  • Fixed too many t-nuts for quick lock mounts
  • Added thread specification for core hole taps
  • "Select from scene" window now has BOM position as primary sorting column
  • 1.88.144040 mesh removed USD pricing
  • BOM generated for DE locale now show German language images
  • Cut charges increased for large e-trunking profiles
  • Changed screws for DIN74 counterbores from 6912 to 912
  • Profile stretch verification improved to not exceed maximum possible profile length
  • Updated "Door wizard" behavior for 20 mm profiles
  • Updated 1.11.040040.23LP, 1.11.040080.54LP, 1.11.040080.44LBP, 1.11.040080.44LP, 1.11.040080.32LP, 1.11.040080.04LP models
  • Multiple other small bug fixes and safetied crash reports
  • Rect. panel tool and "shrink/expand contour" tool now validate that the panel does not exceed maximum sheet size
  • F1 key shortcut changed to force "Select" operation
  • MayCad now points to a new instance of the export server, safer with HTTPS and no Java to worry about
  • EURO price-list updated

29 January 2023

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